Dry and fine start, the 1st to 4th being the first completely dry 4-day spell since 21st September! Low pressure and rain returned for the next 3 weeks. Dry weather, this time mostly cloudy however, returned at the end of the month. Average temperatures day and night.
Temperature: [Minimum]:
Lowest: -0.3 degs C on the 2nd. Coldest December night since 2014.
Highest: 11.8 degs C on the 27th.
Average minimum: 6.61 degs C. =7th coldest of the last 17 Decembers.
Nights with temperature below 5 degs C = 9.
Nights with temperature below 0 degs C = 1. First since February 3rd and the first time in December since 2014.
Nights with temperature below 5 degs C = 9.
Nights with temperature below 0 degs C = 1. First since February 3rd and the first time in December since 2014.
Temperature: [Maximum]:
Lowest: 7.7 degs C on the 17th.
Highest: 13.5 degs C on
the 10th. Since 2003 only 3 Decembers (2014, 2017 and 2018) have not seen a warmer day than this.
Average maximum: 11.25 degs C. 9th highest and 9th lowest of the last 17 Decembers. Lowest since January.
Days with temperature above 20 degs C = 0.
Days with temperature above 25 degs C = 0.
Total this month: 148.9 mm. Driest December since 2016. 3rd driest of the last 9 Decembers (behind 2014 and 2016).
Total this month: 148.9 mm. Driest December since 2016. 3rd driest of the last 9 Decembers (behind 2014 and 2016).
Last month [November 2019]: 226.2 mm.
Last year [December 2018]: 209.4 mm.
Last year [December 2018]: 209.4 mm.
Wettest day: 19.1 mm on the 12th.
Other days with 15 mm or more: 21st (18.9 mm), 8th (17.8 mm), 18th (15.5 mm), 19th (15.0 mm).
Wettest spells: 18th to 21st: 56.4 mm and 8th to 12th: 53.7 mm.
Driest spells: 1st to 4th and 27th to 30th: dry. 27th to 31st: No measurable rain.
Completely dry days: 9. Most in December since 2016.
Days with no measurable rain: 12. Most in December since 2016.
Cumulatively: Whole of 2019 = 1428.4 mm.
Whole of 2018: 1314.0 mm. [+8.71 %].
2nd wettest year since before 2009. 2012 = 1502.6 mm.
Thunder on the 8th* and 15th. *Lightning only.
Pressure (at 2100 only):
Lowest: 977.1 mb on the 21st.
Highest: 1030.0 mb on the 28th.
Thunder on the 8th* and 15th. *Lightning only.
Pressure (at 2100 only):
Lowest: 977.1 mb on the 21st.
Highest: 1030.0 mb on the 28th.
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