Wednesday, 19 December 2018

November 2018 Summary

In Brief:
Very wet for the first 10 days with gales on the 9th.  Mostly dry 2nd and 3rd weeks.  Cold in the second half of the month, but less cold and wetter again with more gales towards the end.

Temperature: [Minimum]:
Lowest: -1.4 degs C on the 21st.  Coldest night since March and lowest in November since 2010.
Highest:  11.8 degs C on the 14th, 15th and 16th.  There has been a milder night than these in every November since at least 2003.
Average minimum:  7.66 degs C.  Highest for November since 2015 but 6th lowest of the last 16.
Nights with temperature below 5 degs C = 6.
Nights with temperature below 0 degs C = 1.  1st in November since 2010.

Temperature: [Maximum]:
Lowest: 7.4 degs C on the 21st.  Coldest November day since 2010. 
Highest: 15.0 degs C on the 14th.  There has been a milder day than this in every November since at least 2003.
Average maximum: 11.96 degs C. 3rd coldest for November since before 2003, behind 2010 and 2016.
Days with temperature above 20 degs C = 0.
Days with temperature above 25 degs C = 0. 

Total:  183.9 mm.  Wettest month since March, and 2nd wettest November since 2010, behind 2012.
October 2018:  72.1 mm.
November 2017:  62.7 mm.

Wettest day:  28.9 mm on the 7th.  Wettest day since 1st April, and 2nd wettest November day since before 2008.  Wettest: 24th November 2012 [61 mm].
Other days with 20 mm or more:  4th and 9th [both 26.7 mm] and 27th [20.0 mm].
Wettest spells:  4th to 10th: 109.6 mm.  24th to 29th: 59.7 mm.
Driest spell: 13th to 20th: No measurable rain. 
Completely dry days:  9.  Fewest since March.
Days with no measurable rain: 11.  Fewest since March.

Cumulatively: 2018 = 1104.6 mm [5th wettest of the last 10 January to November periods].
2017:  962.6 mm.  [+14.75%].

None this month.

Lowest:  984.9 mb on the 7th.  
Highest:  1029.0 mb [approx] on the 2nd

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