Mostly sunny, very warm first week, then mostly cloudy for the remainder of the month as south-westerly airflow set in. Very wet second week and very cool final week. Night-time temperatures mostly warm except final week.
Temperature: [Minimum]:
Lowest: 9.5 degs C on the 31st. Coldest night since May and lowest in August since 2015.
Highest: 17.5 degs C on the 20th. Warmest August night since 2013.
Average minimum: 14.25 degs C. 3rd highest for August since 2006.
Nights with temperature below 5 degs C = 0.
Nights with temperature below 0 degs C = 0.
Temperature: [Maximum]:
Lowest: 16.5 degs C on the 30th. Coolest day since 5th June, and equal coldest August day since before 2004 [with 25th, 2015].
Highest: 25.7 degs C on the 3rd. Warmest August day since 2014, and 2nd warmest since 2006.
Average maximum: 20.8 degs C. Warmest for August since 2014, but 5th coolest since before 2004.
Days with temperature above 20 degs C = 20.
Days with temperature above 25 degs C = 1. First in August since 2014.
Total: 63.6 mm. Wettest month since April, and 4th driest August since 2011.
July 2018: 45.8 mm.
August 2017: 87.4 mm.
Wettest day: 16.1 mm on the 12th.
Other days with more than 6 mm: 11th [15.0 mm], 26th [9.3 mm] and 16th [7.0 mm].
Wettest spell: 8th to 12th: 43.6 mm.
Driest spells: 1st to 7th: No measurable rain. 17th to 23rd: 2.0 mm.
Completely dry days: 12. Fewest for August since 2015 and fewest for any month since March.
Days with no measurable rain: 20. Most for August since before 2008, fewest for any month since April.
The relatively large difference between the number of completely dry days and days with no measurable rain highlights the commonness of damp and drizzly days this month.
Cumulatively: 2018 = 780.0 mm [2nd driest of the last 5 January to August totals, 4th wettest of the last 10].
2017: 665.3 mm. [+17.24%].
None this month.
Lowest: 1006.9 mb on the 26th.
Highest: 1027.8 mb on the 4th.
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