Thursday, 29 May 2014

April 2014 Summary

In Brief:
Unsettled to start with, then almost two weeks of dry and fine weather.  Unsettled again in the fourth week. Never particularly warm nor cold.

Temperature [Minimum]:
Night-time temperatures for the month ranged from 2.4 degs C, on the night of the 9th/10th, to 11.3 degs C on the nights of the 5th/6th and 6th/7th.   It was the first month since February 2013 when there had not been a milder night than this.
The average night-time temperature for the month was 7.16 degs C, this being the fourth lowest of the last eleven Aprils.
The temperature fell below 5 degs C on seven nights, equal to the number in March, and similar to that in Aprils 2013 and 2012.

Temperature [Maximum]:
The coolest day of the month was the 20th with 10.6 degs C, and the warmest just three days later, the 23rd, with 18.7 degs C.   Since 2004, only in 2005 and 2012 was the April maximum temperature lower than this.  
The average maximum for April 2014 was 15.21 degs C, making it the sixth coldest, and the sixth warmest, of the last eleven Aprils.

70.2 mm of rain fell during the month, making it the driest month since September 2013 [63.8 mm].
March 2014 had 98.6 mm, and April 2013 saw 39.2 mm.
The wettest day itself was the 26th with 18.9 mm. 
There were fifteen completely dry days in April 2014, the most in any month since July 2013, and the most in an April since 2011, despite there being almost twice the amount of rain than in April 2013.
There was a completely dry spell from the 9th to 19th, a period which also saw a good deal of sunshine, with only the 12th being a cloudy day during that spell.
A good proportion of the month's rain [46.5 mm] fell between the 20th [Easter Sunday] and the 27th. 

Cumulatively 625.8 mm of rain has fallen in 2014 to the end of April, compared with 361.5 mm during the same period in 2013 [+73.1%].

None this month.

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